Mid summer’s approaching and it’s Wimbledon season again. Many will be inspired to pick up a racket, blow off the cobwebs and call a mate to hit the courts. If it’s been a while since you played then it’s a good idea to take it easy in the first game to reduce the risk of injury. You’re muscles may not be ready for the sudden increased demand. Do a proper warm up by gently hitting a few balls against a wall before you play. Follow this with a few gentle pectoral stretches and forearm stretches. If it has been a ….continue to the whole article
Regular Osteopathy Blog
Runners Knee
We’re well into the annual get fit for the Summer season with some hitting the gym like crazy and others enjoying the good weather by heading out for long runs in the parks or running to and from work. Whatever your goal this season, don’t forget to look after yourself and stay injury free by gradually increasing your exercise load to allow your body to adapt to the new demands being placed upon it, listening to your body when it tells you to rest and most importantly by stretching regularly and effectively. One of the most common injuries I see, ….continue to the whole article